Monday, August 9, 2010

An attempt at blogging.....

As my 2 year stint in the first national tour of Legally Blonde the Musical comes to a close this week, I cannot help but think about what is next on the horizon in my career. This job has been life changing. Yes, I said it.... Life Changing. I will explain in another post for those of you who decide to follow this journey. Not Journey the band... My Journey.

I am planning to blog... (in my mind on a daily basis.... but based on past blogging habits, we'll see how well that goes) about my journey from one job to the next big gig. This will entail blogging about all my auditions, classes, rejections, close calls, open calls, days I can't get out of bed, days when I can't seem to get to bed, and everything in between that happens to this particular actor (ME!!!!) after one job ends and another begins. The thought of documenting this is scary.... There is a lot of pressure. What if I don't work again until I'm as old as that wrinkly lady from Titanic who hit it big right before she died.... THATS A LOT OF BLOGGING... and honestly... I don't think I have that kind of time... or that type of appeal to have anyone other than my dad read it.... and if that gassy bastard is still alive when I'm that old, I'm gonna have bigger things to deal with than my career.... probably his diapers. ANYHOO... The thought of being out of work is always daunting... but especially at this time in my career when I've been out of the loop for two years!

So.... stay tuned....

.... and this might be the last time I'm not vulgar and completely inappropriate.... but hopefully funny... and if you don't think I'm funny.... lick my balls. (in the nicest possible way!)


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